I recently attended my first yoga retreat. It’s been one of my goals for a while now – tick!
I felt so grateful and privileged to be there. I was a part of an amazing group of women who undertook a journey of total body and mind transformation.
When I checked into my room, I drew an affirmation from the ‘be the change’ card deck – it was Integrity.
This definition struck a chord with me . . . to live my truth.
I’d always thought of integrity as having strong moral principles, and in the disciplinary sense – ‘doing what I say I will do, when I say I’m going to do it’. This affirmation shed new light on an age-old concept for me.
At the retreat we called this “dusting off” words, shaking off the restraints of old definitions, beliefs, stigmas around language, and stepping into a whole new realm of possibility. It’s literally polishing old words to be shiny and new again. This ensures our communication is always powerful because we are aligned on the meaning behind our choice of words. Interesting huh?
To me, living my truth means spreading light, joy and love.
This message empowered me on my journey through the retreat, something I reflected on and consciously acted out. I focused on ‘living my truth’ during my solitary moments of reflection, when I interacted with others, and during my yoga practice. Aligning my thoughts, words and actions. Integrity. It felt dam good.
It made me more responsible for the energy I was bringing not only to my environment, but also to myself.
I got to thinking, this is something that could benefit me every single day. I don’t have to wait to attend a special retreat to be conscious of who I am being.
We all have a choice moment to moment as to what energy we bring into the world.
We are responsible.
Don’t wait, start NOW.
How will you live your truth today?
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