You know the days when you’re floating on cloud 9?
Everything just falls into place and your day is full of all your favourite things. You have a lightness in your heart and a smile permanently planted on your face.
I’m so grateful for those days. For me, those days are what life is all about.
Maybe they are so special because of their rarity. But have you ever stopped to think that every day could be that way?
Next time you experience a dream day ask yourself – What made today so special? What activities did I do? Who was I with? What was my frame of mind?
With this precious information, you can make the recipe for a dream day any day!
My dream day recipe
1 handful of loved ones
lashings of outdoor adventures
2 cups of contribution
1 sweet sweat session
1 sprinkling of food shared together
1 gallon of laughter.
My best days are always spent connecting with people I love, getting outside the house and into nature, doing any kind of sweat date (yoga, hiking, a bike ride, or a swim in the ocean) and wrapping up the day sharing food and laughter together.
What things do you love? What’s authentically important to you? What are the things that bring a smile to your face?
With that in mind – What do you now need to make time for? What do you need to schedule? Who do you need to enrol?
Get to planning your days, weeks and even months – full of all of these things. Start to plant the seeds for many abundant dream day harvests!
Don’t leave your happiness to chance, to the whim of others, or to circumstance.
Make your happiness a priority. Today.
What is your dream day recipe?
Use your recipe to float on cloud 9 all weekend 🙂
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