I love surprise inspiration and love.
It hits you without warning and brightens your day.
One of my favorite yoga teachers, Tina James, left a note with this message at the end of my mat after today’s practice:
You bring the world such joy,
In so many ways,
Like a warm, radiant sun
That brightens the daysYour beauty, your confidence
Your spirit so strong,
All shine from within
Like a wonderful song.Your talent, your grace
The gifts that you share,
With faith and wisdom
Show the ways you care.Your plans and dreams
For what’s yet to be . . .
Your ideas for the future,
Are the hopes shared with me,And as we let our own light shine,
We consciously give other people
Permission to do the same.
As we’re liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically
liberates others.
Gorgeous isn’t it?
It brought the biggest smile to my face and warmth to my heart.
It was exactly what I needed to be reminded if today – I was feeling very melancholy after a tearful goodbye with my twin sister this morning. She’s on her way back to Australia after spending quality time the last 3 weeks together. I’m so grateful for receiving this message today of all days.
Tina said to pay the note forward when the time is right to pass onto another. I tend to collect and keep these kinds of things, so I’m looking forward to letting go and spreading the message. Passing it onto another who will hopefully feel what I felt when reading this today.
Expressing our joy and passion not only liberates and empowers ourselves, but it acts as an invitation for others around us to do the same.
Now that’s a win/win situation if ever I saw one!
If you needed another reason to follow your heart, this is it.
How wonderful that by living out our own dreams and letting our light shine bright, we are also being of service to others.
Contribution by default.
How are you letting your own light shine today?
Wonderful poem and inspiring message, thank you for sharing 😉 It is an amazing revelation when you express yourself through your passions and feel the joy not only in yourself, but in everyone around you that you lift up 🙂