Got a picture of your life in 10 years time?
No? Well here’s how!
Following on from my last post visualise your best life – below are some easy steps to create your very own Vision Board.
By focusing our attention on what we want, as opposed to what we don’t want – the power and possibilities that open up for us are limitless.
“Where we place our attention is what we will create for ourselves.”
My Vision Board is made up of images and words that represent the future I want to create for myself. It’s something that makes my heart smile, and gives me inspiration to go about the work that will get me there.
my vision board
Vision Boards are the ultimate in manifestation. Our vision creates our legacy. It serves as a tool to keep you inspired, keep you on track, and keep you motivated. It also utilises the Law Of Attraction – a Vision Board is an awesome way to communicate with the Universe about what you would like to collaborate on in your life. Plus, they are fun to make!
1) Imagine.
Make time for yourself. Put away all distractions. Find a quiet place to sit or lie, where you will be able to seek enough solace to get your daydream on. Close your eyes and spend some time with your thoughts. Allow your mind to wander into the most inspired future you can visualise for yourself.
Imagine your ideal life in 10 years time. You are unlimited. You can be and do anything in the world! Ask yourself these questions:
- Where do you live?
- Who is there with you?
- What does a day in your ideal life look like?
- What are your core values?
- What do you do for work?
- Do you travel? Where to?
- What type of lifestyle do you have?
- How do you take care of yourself? Physically, mentally and spiritually.
- What are you grateful for?
- What makes you excited?
- What do you really want to have?
- Who do you really want to be?
2) Seek.
Find the images, words, quotes and affirmations that remind you of all of the things you see in your future. All of the people you want to meet and be around, the places you want to live in and visit, the events you want to experience, the accomplishments you want to reach, the feelings you want to emulate, and the emotions you want to fill your cells with. Use Google Images, Flickr, or Pinterest to find images online. Or, just flick through magazines, brochures and newspapers.
3) Create.
This is the fun part – you get to channel your inner-child and have a good old craft party! Arrange the pieces of your vision board into a beautiful collage, then get to sticking. Mine was made with a big piece of cardboard that I then laminated. But you can pin yours to a cork board, or create an online vision board as a screen saver, or through pintrest. Your options are only limited to your imagination.
Why not spread the love and invite your mates around for a Vision Board party?
I’m doing exactly that! This Friday is the Love Your Life Vision Creation Station! It’s fun, free and fabulous!
Check out the event page, or facebook for more details. We look forward to seeing you there!
Happy vision boarding everyone 🙂
this is similar to my magic fridge 🙂 where what you want to achieve is placed in pictures on the fridge door. everytiome you go to the fridge you are reminded of what you want 🙂
Exactly Mick! I love the fridge idea, the perfect space for a vision board 😉