With Valentines Day on our doorstep, I couldn’t resist writing a little bit about the best four letter word there is – L O V E.
Love is the single one word that has been written about and spoken about in the world for centuries. It is the source of pleasure, pain, comfort and sorrow. It has been the source of creative inspiration for art, poetry, film and literature. Love, I believe, is the reason we are all here.
“I love you” – the three little words that can not only change our world, but also change our health. Love it seems, not only makes us feel good, but can make us healthier both physically and mentally too. Love is a wonder drug:
- boost IQ
- lowers depression
- fights cancer
- lowers blood pressure
- fends off pain
- reduces cardiovascular disease
- lowers cholesterol
- glowing complexion
- decreases risk of mental illness
- improves sleep
- lengthens your life
“Love is the promotion of mental and emotional health in those whose lives we touch. Love is the greatest therapy of all. We are all struggling with the frailty, flaws and failings that go with being human, which is why we all need emotional support and guidance to see us through the dark and difficult passages of our lives. What’s that, if not therapy? Our sense of emotional security depends on knowing such therapeutic support is available when we need it.” – Hugh Mackay
Ever wondered why a simple hug makes you feel so good? It releases a hormone oxytocin, which reduces blood pressure and boosts heart health. We should hug more. I wish there was more healthy, physical touch in today’s world where we can become so isolated from other people. Go give someone a hug right now. Go on, dooo it! If for no other reason than to just connect with another human being.
“Hugging relieves stress, boosts feelings of closeness, and even squelches pain.” – Gretchen Ruben
So what love do you have in your life? The love from a partner, a best friend, or even a 4 legged companion. Love can come in many shapes and forms, and is as varied in it’s expression and feeling as you and I are.
The love in my life right now comes in many forms. They are relationships – but not romantic. My family and friends, near and far. I feel the love in words, hugs, messages, photographs, kind looks, celebrations, happy tears (and sad tears) and endless support. I also feel a big love inside for myself, for all of us, love for this beautiful world. This is a hard thing to describe. It shows up in the form of joy, but I think deep down it stems from love.
Remember, love is expressed only through words or action. When was the last time you showed your friend, your partner, or your sister how much you love them? They don’t have to be big romantic gestures either, sometimes the simple thoughtful things are the best. You know them well, what would they love? A beautiful hand-written note? A baby-sitter for the night? Some quality conversation together? A pamper spa day? To throw a load of laundry on? A leave-pass to play golf? A ticket to their favourite band? To lie on the couch and watch a movie with you?
“There is no love; there are only proofs of love.” – Pierre Reverdy
According to The 5 Love Languages book, people have different capacities to receive and appreciate love. “We have an emotional communication preference. A primary love language.” The 5 different languages of love are: acts of service, words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, physical touch. I highly recommend doing the analysis and reading the book, it will completely change the way you think about love. And it will also make sure that you can give and receive love in the right language.
So put your thinking cap on, and arrange to do something that would really tickle them pink. (And if you need a selfish reason, you will feel damn good doing something for your loved one! Altruism feels better than receiving. It’s a win-win).
As the Beatles famously said, all you need is love.
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