I had some great me-time last week. I took my old life vision, pulled it apart and fleshed it out. I got clear on the details. It felt so real, I could almost taste it. It was so refreshing!
I get so much inspiration from doing this. It gives me clarity, excitement and a sense of drive that I’ve chosen that life, I get to create it.
The whole point of doing Vision & Goals is to move beyond what is probable for your life, and step into what’s possible. It’s about stepping away from your past or present situation – and saying to yourself, if I could do anything in the world what would it be? What would my life look like if I got to create absolutely everything in it? What does my dream life look like?
“Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life. Because you become what you believe.” – Oprah Winfrey
My life Vision in ten years:
“I wake up to the sound of the ocean waves, my husbands strong arms around me. I feel refreshed and excited to start the new day. I slip out of bed, grab my mat and hit our outdoor deck for my morning yoga and meditation practice amongst the native trees. I feel peaceful, strong and full of gratitude. I make green smoothies for the family before they race off for school. When the house is quiet I get to work on the next Love Your Life retreat – Hawaii! This one will be filled with yoga, personal empowerment, and nourishment of the body, mind and soul. My home office is a zen, inspiring space for me to work. Incense burns as I sip tea and write. Our dog curls up under my desk and keeps my feet warm. I take the dog and walk down to the local café to meet a client in the sunshine and fresh air. Coaching over lunch, yup I get paid for this! I can smell the ocean. My client has grown leaps and bounds with my coaching, and they remind me why I keep doing this work #joblove. After our meeting I swing by the local farmers market to get the week’s fresh fruit + veg. I hit up my reformer pilates class, I feel strong and my back is better than ever. Back home I have a couple of calls with inspiring, game-changers that I’m collaborating with. I work with people who are passionate about what they do, they are playing big in life. I love having many balls in the air, being busy is what gives me my energy. The kids and I head to the beach after school for a snorkel around the reef. I love this time with them. We meet our friends and the kids build sandcastles and play beach cricket while I catch up with people. My man comes down for a surf after work, he loves working such flexible hours so he never misses out on this special time. I look around me and feel so blessed for my gorgeous family and friends, this is my dream life. My man and I make each other laugh every day, we feel so loved. We walk back home from the beach, salt dripping from our hair, sand on our feet and sun on our backs. We all help prepare a delicious meal together predominantly from our garden. We have our best friends coming over for dinner tonight. We spend the evening out on the deck enjoying a meal together. Music, candles, conversation and laughter fill the air as the sun sets slowly over the water. I am inspired and lifted by all those in my life. As the night creeps in and the stars start to come out, I lean into my man. I am reminded of the magic and beauty in the world. I love my life.”
I hope that by sharing my vision with you, something has sparked in you to create your very own vision for your life. Go for it, there is no right or wrong with this exercise. Just allow yourself to dream BIG and design your best life yet. Enjoy!
Take the time to think. Discover your real reason for being here and then have the courage to act on it. Take time daily to silently contemplate not only where you are, but where you are going. Take the time to reflect on your purpose and how you are living your life, every day. Most importantly, think deeply and genuinely about how you would improve the next day. – Robin Sharma
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