Well apparently it’s officially Autumn now in Melbourne, yet an indian summer seems to be prevailing. . . and I’m not complaining. I’m going to squeeze every last drop out of this summer that I can!
Oh how I missed the Australian summer while living overseas. It’s been wonderful to be back home to experience my favourite season. So before the leaves start to drop and the warmer layers need to come on, I wanted to reflect on the summer that was. . .
I spend every spare second I have down on the Mornington Peninsula at our holiday house. I wake up, throw on my bathers and walk across to the beach for a morning swim. I love the ocean, it is so diferent every single day. I love coming across new discoveries – like a great shell, or a sleepy looking stingray, or a gorgeous k9 friend at the doggie beach.
My summer is a dreamy collage of the following – drives in the hills to the cherry farm, my nan making her famous Christmas punch, sunbaking on the hot sand, sleeping with windows wide open, constantly refilling the ice tray in the freezer, the sound of insects and cicadas, staying in bikinis all day long, summer evening bbqs out on the deck, a cold ham in a calico ham-bag, wearing thongs every day (yes flip-flops), tan lines of said thongs, salty crazy hair, ice cream dripping down my wrist, kids playing with their new x-mas toys in the street, catching up with the extended family, eating fresh salads, cold ciders, fresh fish, summer breeze across the bay, spitting watermelon pips, and this year – due to my Dad’s recent purchase – sailing out on the bay!
There is an influx of people to the Peninsula as soon as christmas trees are put up. The camp grounds along the foreshore fill up, the lines and the fish ‘n chip shop get exorbitantly long, and finding a spot of solitude on the beach becomes increasingly hard in the busy sections.
It takes me back to my childhood, spending every summer at our holiday house. Snorkelling around the cliffs, walking the dogs on the beach, dad falling asleep with the weekend paper, late night card games or scrabble and chocolate eating – no tv was watched. It was a time where we got to share a house with our family and enjoy each other’s company.
All those things I loved as a child, are still things that light me up.
What did you used to love as a child?
Maybe it’s time to sprinkle some of the things you love throughout the rest of the year in 2014. Don’t wait for the holidays to go to your favourite places, or to do your favourite things.
Get out that yearly planner and schedule some fun in!
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