I just LOVE travelling. For me, it’s honestly one of my greatest pleasures. And ironically, it feels like home to me.
I just returned from a wonderful trip to Bali, Indonesia. My head is still spinning a little from all the amazing experiences, adventures and conversations I had . . . but I’m going to attempt a little download, Part #1.
Perspective is everything.
Sometimes we need to get away, to realise where we have come from.
For some reason this year, Bali has been popping up everywhere in my life – conversations with people, social media, friends going/returning – it’s been all around me. So I decided to take the Universes (not so subtle) hints, and take myself there.
Wow am I glad I did!
I had a few truly life changing experiences on this magical island. The two that stick out the most include diving with giant manta rays and the incredibly rare mola mola fish on the island of Nusa Lembongan. The other involved a Balian – a traditional Balinese healer – in the mountain town of Ubud. More on both of these to come, another time, another blog.
But as well as these BIG highlights, there was a softer message, an under current that gently crept it’s way in throughout my time there.
I have been lucky to travel far and wide, and have had some incredible experiences, but there was something about this trip that I can’t quite explain. Was it beautiful? oh yes. Was it spiritual? most definitely. Was it awe-inspiring? yes, magnificently so. But still, there’s something else – something more – that I can’t quite put into words.
It has left me feeling different.
We travel because difference and distance are the secret tonic of creativity. When we get home, home is still the same. But something inside our minds has changed, and that changes everything. – Jonah Lehrer
Over my journey I scribbled a few notes down in my journal, and have come up with a short-list. These are my life lessons from the island. Things that I realised make my life a little sweeter. Things I’m going to start to incorporate into my life back home.
- JOY: make it a priority, always
- SLOW DOWN: like really s l o w down. It’s the only way to be in the present moment
- SUN: feel the rays on my skin
- NATURE: move my body outdoors every day (open air yoga shala anyone?)
- EXPLORE: go on an adventure, explore something new wherever possible
- CONNECT: feel the buzz of energy meeting & connecting to new people
- CELEBRATE: every day – friends, food & music should not be limited to special occasions
- TOUCH: the healing power of physical touch – the importance of treatments & massages
- LET GO: stop planning so much – let things happen – trust my intuition and use the universe as my guide
- STILL: be still. Create a sacred daily ritual – solitude, reflection and meditation
Why do you travel? What is it that you seek?
How can you bring some of that magic into your daily life?
What is it about travelling that makes you love your life?
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