I had an eye-opening conversation with my life coach this morning (and yes, even coaches have a coach! Just quietly – one of the best things I ever did)
She asked me if I considered myself a successful woman?
I had to pause.
Why did I pause?
I know exactly why, I paused because of all the old beliefs I hold around what success means, what it looks like, and how its measured. I used to think success was climbing the corporate ladder, having a big fat salary, buying expensive labels and living an indulgent lifestyle. I also thought success would mean that by 31 years old I would own my own home, have met the love of my life and have also popped out a few kids by now!
That’s why I paused. . . I paused as all these old beliefs came bubbling up to the surface of my mind like toxic gas. Second guessing myself, and my amount of (or lack of) success.
Note that these are all external sources of success. Nothing in there relates to ME. The real me. If these kinds of measures were really that important to me, I would have manifested them by now. But they’re not, and they’re also not authentic to who I am and what I believe. And so, it’s no wonder that these external measures of success slid by the wayside on my life journey – but apparently my view of success did not.
– the accomplishment of an aim or purpose
Note that this definition doesn’t include how much money you make, or how big your house is?
Instead, success is my accomplishment of my life aim or purpose.
What is my purpose?
To authentically connect and positively contribute to others.
To coach people to live their best lives.
I want to live a life, not a lifestyle.
I now choose to define success by my internal sources. Things like – Who am I as a person? What is my life mission? How much love to I give and receive? What are my values? How much integrity do I have? What energy and vibration do I give off? What are my strengths and talents? How much self-awareness do I hold? What kind of wisdom do I have? How do I contribute to the world?
NOW we’re talking! These are the things that spark my fire, that make my heart beam glow.
And when I think of these things, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I AM successful. Not only that, I also love the person I am and continue to evolve to be. Now that to me is pretty darn successful.
Man, this is why I just LOVE life coaching – someone to shine the light, to flip your perspective on it’s head. To open your eyes, mind and heart to your unique greatness.
So what does success look like for YOU? How do you define it, measure it, feel it in your body?
ps – If you need a little help discovering what your authentic purpose is, check out this rad exercise
Be the change you wish to see in the world. – Mahatma Gandhi
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