This year has been a challenging one for me on a personal level. 2014 has been pushing my buttons, testing my boundaries, it’s prompted me to claim my position, define my values, and rule out my tolerations. It’s been challenging, painful, eye-opening and exhausting. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s provided me with a powerful source of awareness, clarity and growth. Nothing great ever comes out of my comfort zone anyway.
I had my first ever reiki session yesterday, and it brought lots of these feelings to a head. Last night I had more emotion than I knew what to do with . . . and as is usually the case when this happens, it starts leaking out my eye balls. The first time I’ve had a good cry for ages. Wow, what an amazing r e l e a s e.
So today my soul was craving a big fat dose of NATURE. I wanted stillness, peace, tranquility. Open skies and earthy smells. Bird calls and soft breezes. I wanted space, and I wanted greenery.
I have shared with you before my love of nature, my bush medicine. Now there’s amazing evidence coming out on nature and it’s ability to heal the body. Some studies suggest that 20 minutes immersed in nature can significantly decrease stress hormones in the body. Psychologist Roger Ulrich’s research, has shown that when patients in a hospital gaze out at a garden they tend to heal faster and with fewer complications then those who had no view as they healed. Pretty neat huh? (Perhaps this means we’re not far away from our doctors prescribing doses of nature instead of toxic chemicals to heal people? Here’s hoping.)
Commune with nature daily. A quick walk through the woods or even a few minutes spent cultivating your tomato garden in the backyard will reconnect you to the wellspring of calm that may now be dormant within you. Being with nature also allows you to tune into the infinite wisdom of your highest self. This self-knowledge will move you into the uncharted dimensions of your personal power. – Robin Sharma
I have been making an effort to do this every single day. Whether I take a stroll on the sand along the beach, or sit out on the deck and watch the clouds float by – it really has been magic for me. I too easily get caught up in my mind. The moment I step outside, nature allows the serenity to creep on in.
Step outside, and let your inner child be free.
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
– Albert Einstein
If you can’t go hike a mountain or dive beneath a wave everyday, then start to bring nature to you! Plants, trees, rocks, crystals . . . I’m an advocate of adding more nature to your home. Even if you’re in an apartment like me – remember that our houses and furniture are made from trees, our glass windows are sand, and even concrete is made from the earth.
Within you lies the sun, the moon, the sky and all the wonders of this universe. The intelligence that created these wonders is the same force that created you. All things around you come from the same source. We are all one. – Robin Sharma
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