Balance. Is it ever really attainable?
Lately I have been very focused on my work. Mainly because it’s something that I LOVE doing! I am so clear on my purpose for the first time in my life, so clear on my vision, that I’ve been trying to pull it towards me as fast as I can. I’m learning that patience is most definitely a virtue.
What I got clear on this week, is that I need to let go a little, not to stop completely, but to re-adjust my focus. While I have loved knuckling down and getting things done, I have also allowed my days off to morph into work (yup, it’s a SATURDAY as I write this and have been at my computer for hours . . . . BUT I’m working on something super exciting that I can’t wait to share with you soon!).
The cost of this is that I’m neglecting other areas of my life. I’m placing more importance on my work; I haven’t been on an adventure out in nature for weeks, my family haven’t had a hug from me in a while and I actually can’t remember the last time I went on a date (true story, sad, but true). Yet these things ARE important to me – NATURE, LOVE, FAMILY. Yet my actions have not been completely aligned with my values of late.
Balanced goals = a balanced life
Where do you draw the line between being driven and goal-focused, and just letting go, trusting the universe, and allowing yourself to be swept up in the magic of life? It’s a delicate balancing act.
I believe that it’s the quest for balance that’s more important than the actual achievement of balance – much like a tightrope walker; there is constant movement, a swing of the body to the right, then a correcting curve to the left, then back again – notice they never walk in a rigid vertical line. How boring would that be? It certainly wouldn’t make the circus act!
Balancing is an art form for the very fact that it is DIFFICULT!
Balance ties into the natural ebb and flow of life. The constant movement and change we experience every day.
Constant and never-ending enrichment of the mind, body and soul, is the trilogy of human endowments. To improve your mind without the cultivation of your physical gifts would be a very hollow victory. Elevating your mind and body to their highest level without nurturing your soul would leave you feeling very empty and unfulfilled. But when you dedicate your energies to unlocking the potential of all three of your human endowments, you will taste the divine ecstasy of an enlightened life. – Robin Sharma
Have a look at your own life now.
Grab a journal and draw a big circle like the one above (here’s one I prepared earlier!). Segment it with the areas that are important to you (think adventure, spirituality, contribution, love – whatever lights you up!).
Now, draw a dot in each segment rating your satisfaction in each different area of your life – the outside ring represents 10 (extremely satisfied) and the middle point 0 (not happy at all). This is your Wheel Of Life.
How balanced is it?
Which segments are friggin rocking? Which need some serious TLC? Are there any areas of your life that are completely empty?
I don’t think I’ll ever get to a point in life where I say ‘yup, all my ducks are in a row, I’m going to just kick back and everything will stay perfectly balanced.’ That’s just not realistic or even something I really want! But, it’s this striving for balance, the constant course correcting, that in turn brings us more equilibrium.
You are the only one that can make the changes you’re craving in your life. YOU, and only you.
To put everything in balance is good, to put everything in harmony is better.
– Victor Hugo
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