I re-wrote my goals last week. I edited, scratched out, and stripped them right back to the core.
God, it felt so liberating!
Instead of setting multiple goals in each area of my life, I just stuck to ONE. One personal, one health, one career. The most important goal to me. The ONE goal that if I DID NOT have, all the other’s would feel empty and meaningless.
I got really clear that the most important things to me are:
- Find love & start my own family
- Live amongst nature
- Contribute to others
Real. Authentic. Simple.
Never overlook the power of simplicity. – Robin Sharma
Sure, I still have other goals (many of them!), but none of those would mean a thing if I didn’t have these. They are still on my radar, I am still aiming for them, but they are no longer cluttering up my biggest life goals. My GOLDEN GOALS. I cleared the goals surrounding my most important targets, so that they can stand tall, clear and strong in their own spotlight. Clearing space, clearing energy, both in my mind, and on my goals sheet.
I started the process with my core values, the only way for me to create meaningful and fulfilling goals.
Connection * Love * Freedom * Contribution * Health
Getting clear on my values, solidifying them, and then centring my goals around these values felt authentic. It flowed. And you know what? It was SO EASY! Because you don’t have to think hard about what’s truly important to you. It’s sitting there right below the surface, just waiting to be plucked up. They are the things that come to our mind straight away. Gut instincts, heart instincts, soul instincts. You know them, you feel them on all levels of your being.
I feel like my life is far simpler these days. I have tried to reduce my needs. Over the years I have tried to cull those things that no longer serve me. Anything that takes away from what’s truly meaningful in my life no longer has a place. I also try and invest more time and energy on the things I truly LOVE.
It’s a simple equation really, remove the things I don’t love, and add more of the things I do. Not rocket science there, I know – but the effects are truly transformational.
Unless you reduce your needs, you will never be fulfilled.
When you make space in your life, harmony will enter.
One must never live in the thick of things. Focus only on your priorities, those activities that are truly meaningful. Your life will be uncluttered, rewarding and exceptionally peaceful. – Robin Sharma
It is so important to focus on our goals, but never loose sight of what’s important. There’s always time to smell the roses along the way. Always.
“In your quest for fortune and fame, don’t forget about the little things, and the joy they bring.” – India Arie
Your writing lights me up, my friend.
You have such a powerful, beautiful message.
Keep inspiring,
Thanks Liz 🙂 You inspire me so much, can’t wait to chat next.