Do you set goals?
Yes, I said the G-word. Now I know for some that this is a bad word, but stay with me here as I once thought it was too.
I used to think ‘goal setting’ was reserved for business executives, or elite athletes – those type A personalities that charged through life pushing for bigger and better. Now there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, I just couldn’t relate to it, it’s not who I am. I thought that goals were all stooped in ego, and greed and the insatiable desire to achieve.
Boy was I wrong.
What I’ve come to discover is that goal setting is for every body, everywhere.
The key ingredient? Making sure your goals are a true reflection of YOU. That means looking within, and truly celebrating your own uniqueness. There is no place for looking good, or comparing yourself to others in your goal setting endeavours. The more you know yourself, I mean really know yourself at the deepest level – the easier it becomes to set goals that not only speak to you, that rock you to your core.
I’ve been setting goals for many years now, and have come to realise that the most powerful goals are the ones that are rooted in my core values – freedom, love, health, connection and adventure.
In my workshops, I often say to people – your goal could be as enormous as curing cancer, or as simple as having your own veggie patch – there really is no right or wrong when it comes to setting goals. As long as they are connected to YOU, really connected to your authentic self at a soul level – then it can be the most powerful goal you’ve ever set.
For me, having a clearly defined vision for my life, and setting goals to work towards that vision is ultimately what gives me direction. It sounds cliche, but I always say my vision is like the rudder in my ship, giving me direction and allowing me to course correct. Whenever I’m presented with an opportunity, or am at that metaphorical fork in the road – I reflect back on my vision, my ideal life – it gets me clear on what’s truly important to me, and then I can make my choice from this space.
Knowing where you’re going also keeps your eyes on the prize. When you’ve got that dream where you want it, start laying out he steps that will get you there. Goal setting is a powerful tool for this. The more you do it, the better you’ll get at it, and the more you’ll hit those marks. – Christine Comaford-Lynch
I’ve recently been reading some of Danielle LaPorte’s work (gee-ni-us!), and am working my way through The Desire Map. I’m loving the addition of my desired feelings to my goal setting. How have I never done this before?! Danielle believes that we don’t chase the goal, we chase the feeling we hope reaching the goal will give us. Um YEAH we do! Desire it what drives us. So getting clear on our motivators, and then setting our intentions and goals from that place of desire – how powerful is that? Now that’s amping up my goal setting to a whole new level!
Goal setting is the best way to build your dreams and re-infoce a new self-identity. Desire comes first; you’ve got to want something badly. Then goals become the way you’ll manifest your desires. Set specific goals based on your desires, see and feel them happening. Put yourself in that glorious future in your mind. Then get out of the way. There’s no room for self doubt or sabotage here. – Christine Comaford-Lynch
I encourage people to set audacious goals, BHAG’s in fact – BIG SCARY AUDACIOUS GOALS. You know the ones that make the butterflies flutter madly around in your stomach, your palms a little sweaty, the hairs on your arms stand on end. The ones that when you imagine them bring a huge smile to your face, and glow to your heart. Now these goals are what I’m talking about! This is where the juiciness lives.
Because it’s not necessarily about achieving the goal, but it’s WHO WE BECOME in achieving the goal that’s important. So set them as high as the sky, even higher, aim for the moon! And to get real, if we’re setting big enough goals we should only be achieving 50% of them. Otherwise it turns into a to-do list right? If you can write down a goal and achieve it relatively easily, what’s the point? Does it have you stretching yourself? Does it have you learning or growing? Does it have you getting deeper acquainted with yourself? Does it have you living your dream life?
You may not be able to see your vision perfectly yet, and that’s ok. But can you see the next step? And the one after that? Start from that place. Start with what you know. Don’t let perfect get in the way of good enough. Just get started.
If you don’t change the present, the future is going to look a whole lot like the past. Look for the place where you can make a difference. Once you make this into a habit, you’ll find that its a lot of fun. – Christine Comaford-Lynch
Vision & Goal Setting is a constant evolutionary process (if Mr Charles Darwin was still with us, I’m sure he would have added it as his final chapter to the Origin Of The Species). We grow, we change, we evolve – that is the only constant in life. Your goals should reflect that. Much like yoga, goal setting is an on-going process – connecting with ourselves, our desired feelings and making constant adjustments along the way.
Like so many things in life, it’s the journey more so than the destination.
The real source of happiness comes from steadily working to accomplish your goals and advancing confidently in the direction of your life’s purpose. – Robin Sharma
This isn’t home work, it should be fun! You’re shaping your future and bringing what you want into your life. How cool to know that this is something you can effect! There’s nothing more exhilarating, energising and rewarding than rocking your life – your career, your relationships, your health, your spirituality, your finances.
As 2015 fast approaches, we look longingly to the future and start to think about what we want to create. So whether you’re ready to make the scary leap and start your own business, or just wondering what the heck to do next . . . goal setting may indeed turn out to be your very best friend.
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