So it’s that time of year when we start setting intentions for the new year. Goal setting, manifesting, desire mapping, vision-boarding, bucket-listing, praying – all running hot right now through people’s minds, bodies, journals and cork boards.
We rush towards 2015, without even pausing to say a well deserved thank you, and goodbye to the year that’s held us for the past 12 months. What a shame, not to even have a warm goodbye hug, or a quiet little moment of soft words with the year that has gotten us to where we are now.
Well, there’s no time like the present!
Take a few moments today, on the very first day of 2015 – and reflect on the year that was. Ask yourself the following questions (or make up some of your own), and be open and curious as to what comes up for you –
- What has been your biggest challenge this year?
- What are you grateful for?
- What growth have you experienced?
- What is your greatest learning?
- What are you most proud of?
- What made you feel the best?
Were you surprised at some of the answers? Had you already forgotten some of the most important moments of this past year? It’s amazing how quick we are to forget (the good and the bad). We (read: ME) are always searching for the next thing, the next goal, the next accomplishment, the next thing on our to-do list, often without celebrating or acknowledging all we’ve achieved to date.
For me 2014 was a whirlwind of a year.
It’s literally had me flying by the seat of my pants. The year of the horse broke out of the gate like a bat out of hell. It galloped at a frenetic pace, without slowing once. I feel like I’ve been saying all year long – ‘I can’t believe it’s the end of summer already!’ . . . ‘I can’t believe we’re already half way through the year!’. . . ‘I can’t believe it’s nearly December!’ . . . ‘I can’t believe it’s Christmas already!’ (Those around me can attest, and are surely sick of me saying this! Heck, I’m sick of me saying it) and BOOM, before you know it, it’s freakin new years day of 2015!
Whoah, what a ride!
This year was jam packed, full of many challenges, highs and lows. It was my first year back home since living in Canada, so it had me finding my feet, getting grounded, and working out how I fit into this new (but old) environment again. As I take a look back over the year, it’s incredible how much I’ve experienced.
I thought I’d share with you my answers to the questions I posed above – cos yeah, I really dig this stuff too!
- Biggest Challenge
Without a doubt the biggest challenge I’ve faced this year has been my Auntie’s journey with terminal illness. (I feel so selfish even writing that, as it’s clearly a drop in the ocean compared to what she must be going through, but in my fairly fortunate existence, this has really rocked my core.) What an incredible maze to navigate through, there’s twists and turns at every corner of her journey. Her attitude is so inspiring, and it’s really helped me to not sweat the small stuff* (* Sometimes! It’s an ongoing process, practicing to stress less).
- Grateful For
Making new heart felt friendships with amazing people. This year has provided so many opportunities to expand my relationships, and I’m so lucky to have met all my new amazing friends, colleagues and clients.
I’m also so grateful to be back home, surrounded by all my loved ones again. I’ve spent so much time with my family this year. Catching up on all the lost time since I’ve been away. Family have definitley been a big priority for me this year, wether it’s been scheduling a dinner date with my Nana, visiting my parents (and my beach house) on the weekends, and catching up more regularly with my extended family. Nothing beats the feeling of being with your own tribe, your own little gang.
- Growth
Expanding my spiritual realm, this year has been an eye-opening experience deep into the world of myself, my spirit, and the universe. Sound hippie? Your 100% right! I’m talking reike sessions, angel cards, spiritual readers, new crystals, meditations, books, smudge sticks and even a native Balinese healer. All of these things have really helped me get re-connected to myself, forging a deeper understanding of who I am and what I’m out to achieve in this world. It’s freakin amazing, and I can’t wait for more in 2015.
- Greatest Learning
Biggest learning? Always listen closely to what your heart yearns for, get clear on it, and make it happen. I’ve always known I wanted to live by the ocean, but this year was the first time I physically moved myself next to the water. Having my own apartment bayside has been one of the most rewarding and refreshing moves of 2014. Your heart, yeah listen to it – it knows the way forward.
- Most Proud Of
This year I’ve focused on my passion, and grown Love Your Life. It’s been an incredible year of learning, coaching, workshops, presentations and collaborations with other inspiring souls. And I’m only a couple of months away from my International Life Coaching certification – yewww! I also presented in front of the largest audience of my life this year! It was the scariest, most exhilarating and most expansive experience. (To read more about it click on over here). I never would have imagined I could pull it off, but it just shows that when you follow your heart and speak from what you love, anything is possible.
- Felt The Best
Hands down, I feel the best when I’m out in the elements. I’ve deepened my relationship with nature this year; 2014 has seen me on many solo hikes, bush walking through the incredible country that we have on our doorstep. Swimming in the sea, meditating by a stream, floating in the ocean, laying in a field in the middle of nowhere staring at the sky. Let me tell you this, it’s addictive! The more time I spend in nature, the more I crave. And you know what, I’m quite happy to be addicted to nature. It’s the best medicine I know.
I also feel the best when I’m on my yoga mat, and I’ve loved unraveling, grounding, strengthening, and expanding on my little space of rubber. One of my favourite teachers calls her yoga mat the ‘magic carpet’ . . . I’m starting to realise just how magical it really can be.
So imagine my joy when I was able to combine these two things on my trip to Bali this year. My girlfriend and I packed up, jet-setted and landed in pure tropical paradise (check out the blog post here). This adventure combined my love of nature, the ocean, and yoga all in one wonderful getaway. Pure bliss.
2014 has been sad, exhilarating, humbling, stressful and wonderful. And what I’m learning is that there is no good or bad, and by putting our emotions into these black and white categories, we deny ourselves of the full human experience. There would be no good without the bad, no wrong without the right – we actually need both sides of the coin.
To feel is to be alive, and I’m so grateful to feel.
Thank you so much 2014.
(** Side note – I had this blog ready to post, and just went for a swim with the family across at the beach. There’s a HUGE black stingray that I’ve been wanting to see all year but I always seem to just miss it. And guess what? Today it swam right underneath me! Of all the times, in all the expansive ocean, it had to swim right underneath me at the start of 2015. Happy friggin New Year! This was surely a sign, so I just looked up it’s meaning – “If a stingray has swam by you today – He is letting you know that everything is now in place. You have the knowledge, you have the means, you have the tools and you have the skills – now get busy and get on with it. Everything you have worked toward is open to you so stop hesitating. Have faith in your abilities and follow your inner guidance.” This actually couldn’t have been any more perfect. This is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you beautiful creature for showing me this at the dawn of my new year.)
I’m so grateful for the year that was, and am excited for 2015.
Bring it on.
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