Winter is a time for us to turn our focus inwards.
The days shorten, the light decreases, the temperature drops (dramatically it seems!). External buzzing energy and distractions slowly diminish, leaving behind a stillness, a quietness, a return to YOU.
The winter solstice marks the mid way point of 2015. It’s a perfect period to reflect on where we have come, assess where we are now, and dream about where we want to go.
This time is naturally one of a more yin energy, an introspective, soft, feminine energy. It balances us out the yang energy we are so often engulfed with.
During this time whatever no longer serves us will just gently drop away.
Like a tree that looses it’s leaves, it’s blooming flowers, all outward facing ‘life’ seems to disappear. Yet the tree is far from dead. The inner life is full of vitality – the root system, the strong trunk, the flowing sap. The internal energy is strong and bright. The tree’s energy is simply directed inward instead of outward.
Just like the trees, we at this time stand bare and bold.
It’s a time spent getting back to our essence. Our focus gently shifts inwards, and we feel our internal energy softly buzzing within.
As we drop the things that no longer serve us, we are left with our strong foundations, our luminous inner core, our expansive roots.
For me the winter so far has been somewhat a roller coaster – it’s destination? Deep reflection.
The rise and the fall of our experience is natural. It’s beautiful. It’s what makes us human. After all – without the darkness, there would be no light.
Life ebbs and flows just like the tide on the shore. What’s important is that I remember this, I honour this, and I have faith that nothing is permanent (the great times or the challenging ones).
‘ This too shall pass. ‘
It feels good to come home to myself. To get re-connected with myself again. Like REALLY connected; remembering my values, my core desired feelings, my purpose – what I was put on this earth to do, and in turn my vision and my goals to get me there.
Holy Moly – way to shift my energy spiralling upwards!
I have a responsibility to serve, to coach, to inspire and elevate.
Ultimately, my vision is fostering a tribe of powerful individuals who are living their life on purpose, by their own terms, and loving every minute of it.
My mission is to facilitate a shift in more conscious living, by embracing and expressing our passion and purpose in life.
My soul innately knows the way (and so does yours) – it just gets drowned out by the constant and unrelenting noise in our lives sometimes.
It’s our choice in any given moment to slow down, to quieten, and to return to GRACE.
Grace is within us, it’s who we are inherently.
There is nothing to do but simply return to it.
Life is unpredictable,
It changes with he seasons,
Even the coldest winter,
Happens for the best of reasons.
And though it feels eternal,
Like all you’ll ever do is freeze,
I promise spring is coming,
And with it brand new leaves.
~ Erin Hanson
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