What do you put your energy into?
What do you think about?
What do you tell yourself?
Choose them wisely, as whatever we direct our energy, attention and focus towards, we inevitably bring into our lives. Whether it’s good or bad, negative or positive.
If this sounds too ‘new age’ for you, stick with me for a minute . . .
The Law Of Attraction is the science of attracting more of what you want, and less of what you don’t want in your life.
“The law of attraction is the name given to the belief that “like attracts like” and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from pure energy, and the belief that like energy attracts like energy.”
Everything is made up of energy, everything vibrates, and at every moment we are sending out positive or negative vibrations. The universe doesn’t know whether you want that or not, whether it’s good or bad for you, and it doesn’t care! All it picks up on is the vibration you emit, and it sends back a direct match.
How the law of attraction works:
words -> thoughts -> feelings/vibrations -> results
Based on this law, your results in life are a direct outcome of your choice of language.
Words begin in our mind first, long before we speak them – it’s that little voice in your head. You know the one. “What voice?” you may be thinking – THAT ONE!
When our words change, our thoughts, vibes and results change.
You can only ever omit one vibration at a time. It’s not physically possible to think two thoughts at once. Which means we have the power of choice.
Do you have people in your life that are constantly in a state of complaint? You know the drill ‘I hate my job’, ‘my partner just doesn’t get it’, ‘I have no money’. They tell the story of what they don’t want in their lives, yet rarely focus on what they do want.
The universe cannot work with what you don’t want in your life.
If you are dissatisfied with something, then focus on what you do want to happen. What does the desired result look like? How does it feel? What’s changed? Now those are things that the universe can work in your favour.
So if our language creates our reality, here are 3 words to eliminate from your vocabulary:
- “Don’t”
- “Not”
- “No”
The average person says these 150 times before noon!
We also have the power to push the reset button at any moment.
We can retrace backwards from the desired result to make it happen. Ask yourself – what is the desired result? Then work backwards from that – so what do I need to feel? What do I need to think? What do I need to say?
What vibrations will you choose to send out to the universe today?
Start today to tell yourself a better story. And believe it.