You all know by now my self-professed obsession with water, more specifically – salt water. . . So you can imagine my surprise and delight when I landed myself in a floatation tank on the weekend! #jackpot
Yes that’s right – a tank you float in.
Julia Matheson
You all know by now my self-professed obsession with water, more specifically – salt water. . . So you can imagine my surprise and delight when I landed myself in a floatation tank on the weekend! #jackpot
Yes that’s right – a tank you float in.
Hi Guys!
I wanted to let you know of 2 amazing events I have happening next Thursday in Melbourne. (And the best bit . . . they’re both FREE 🙂 )
Already forgot what your new years resolutions were?
Feeling stuck, or frustrated at the lack of progress your experiencing so far?
Have a clear vision but have no idea how to bring it to life?
Seeking more meaning, balance or fulfilment in your life?
The new year is the perfect time to tap into YOU. Your desires, your wants, your purpose.
It’s never to late to live the life you have imagined.
All details are listed below (and on my events page).
I hope to see you there!
X Julia
Thursday 5th February, 7:30am – 9am, Core Candy
Thursday 5th February, 6:15 pm, Brighton School House
Fear can be debilitating . . . if you let it be.
It’s something that’s been showing up a lot for me recently.
It’s that little voice on my shoulder, and grip on my heart that stops me in my tracks when I get too much in my head. Fear has me second guess myself. Fear has me question the future. Fear denies me of the trust I have in the universe. And more importantly, the trust I have in myself.
So it’s that time of year when we start setting intentions for the new year. Goal setting, manifesting, desire mapping, vision-boarding, bucket-listing, praying – all running hot right now through people’s minds, bodies, journals and cork boards.
Do you set goals?
Yes, I said the G-word. Now I know for some that this is a bad word, but stay with me here as I once thought it was too.
I used to think ‘goal setting’ was reserved for business executives, or elite athletes – those type A personalities that charged through life pushing for bigger and better. Now there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, I just couldn’t relate to it, it’s not who I am. I thought that goals were all stooped in ego, and greed and the insatiable desire to achieve.
It is DECEMBER! Can you believe it? . . . I swear only yesterday we were in June.
So with the last month of the year comes the holiday season and Christmas.
It is the season of giving, of joy, of celebration – but often the holidays turn into a mad rush – shopping lists, queues, traffic, stress and tight deadlines. Tensions are high. Time is limited. We scramble to get everything done as the year draws to a swift close.
by Julia 2 Comments
I re-wrote my goals last week. I edited, scratched out, and stripped them right back to the core.
God, it felt so liberating!
Instead of setting multiple goals in each area of my life, I just stuck to ONE. One personal, one health, one career. The most important goal to me. The ONE goal that if I DID NOT have, all the other’s would feel empty and meaningless. [Read more…]
Balance. Is it ever really attainable?
Lately I have been very focused on my work. Mainly because it’s something that I LOVE doing! I am so clear on my purpose for the first time in my life, so clear on my vision, that I’ve been trying to pull it towards me as fast as I can. I’m learning that patience is most definitely a virtue.
What happens to you when conflict arises?
Do you have your set way of being, does your body respond and go into auto-pilot?
Usually we go one of two ways, either towards, or away from conflict. I am definitely the former. This doesn’t mean I am searching for conflict, or ‘stirring the pot’ – but I’m the type of person that seeks peace with people. Ironic that I veer towards conflict no?
Spring is all about renewal, new life & fresh new beginnings.
Come turn over a new leaf with Sarah Hunter & I as we take you through an inspiring morning of Yoga and Life Coaching.