Spring is all about renewal, new life & fresh new beginnings.
Come turn over a new leaf with Sarah Hunter & I as we take you through an inspiring morning of Yoga and Life Coaching.
Julia Matheson
Spring is all about renewal, new life & fresh new beginnings.
Come turn over a new leaf with Sarah Hunter & I as we take you through an inspiring morning of Yoga and Life Coaching.
I had an eye-opening conversation with my life coach this morning (and yes, even coaches have a coach! Just quietly – one of the best things I ever did)
She asked me if I considered myself a successful woman?
I had to pause.
I hit the pool yesterday. After a few laps plodding along in my lane, my breath started to even out, my body relaxed, the thoughts quietened, and the feeling of freedom I get from being in water started to wash over me.
Swimming along, I was taken by the feeling of being on the brink of two worlds – one above the water and one below.
Having a fulfilling life, not just an impressive lifestyle has been cropping up a lot lately. The whole notion of living on purpose. Being conscious about the choices we make, the way we lead our life and the type of lifestyle we get to create.
Do you know that YOU get to create your life?
A big part of being human is being told we should tolerate lots of things we don’t like, you know the story – “Don’t complain…” “Life is difficult…” “Don’t rock the boat…” etc. It’s all good advice, but sometimes our tolerations compromise our lives.
Sacrifices drain you. They also get to be a great excuse for not making things happen.
[Read more…]
Why am I here?
I have done a lot of thinking, refining, meditating, and brainstorming on this question over the years. All of which has led me here, to Love Your Life. Your life purpose is not generally something that can be worked out quickly – or is it?
If you cant figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you straight to your purpose.
– T.D.Jakes
‘Become selfish’. To most people this statement sounds exactly what it states – selfish. An instruction to become a naval-gasing, egotistical and self centred human being.
Selfish. A little word that comes with a WHOLE load of luggage. I’m sure we’ve all been accused of being selfish at some point in our lives, it doesn’t feel very nice does it?
by Julia 4 Comments
So in one week I have been more pro-active in my love life than I have in the past 12 months!
Don’t worry, get your mind out of the gutter, it’s not that kind of action!
This week I was set up on not one, but TWO blind dates *cringe*. And as if that wasn’t enough, I was also challenged to get onto the ‘Tinder’ App by my lovely colleagues. Done and done. Phewww, someone give me a couch to lay on for a while, this work is EXHAUSTING! [Read more…]
I don’t know when the exact moment was, but somehow over the years I have developed an allergic reaction to gossip.
I can go from the life of the party, to a complete mute when those around me start talking about other people. I’m sure I used to love it at some stage, but now it actually makes me feel a little ill.
We have one life, we have such a limited time together on this earth – why spend it with your loved ones talking about other people? I just don’t understand it. There are far more interesting, inspiring, important and exciting things to talk about than other people. Here are just a few suggestions –
It makes me sad when the conversation steers down this path. Because I know I just can’t connect to people the way I want to when the big fat ‘G’ enters the conversation. I find it extremely alienating. And I’m not talking about the Brad & Angelina type gossip either, that, to a certain degree is harmless. I’m talking about people you know, friends, relatives, colleagues – that kind of thing.
Gossip can make people feel closer to one another, it can provide connection and alliances. And who can really blame us for gossiping, when every time you pick up a magazine or flick on the tv you get an overdose of celebrity gossip. It’s rampant in our society.
I get why people do it, but it also doesn’t make it right.
I’m cultivating the courage to say something in these moments, or to just walk away and remove myself from the situation. But I’m realising that it is so ingrained in our culture, it’s such a socially acceptable topic of conversation around the dinner table – that in turn I may ruffle a few feathers with my reaction. Well, let them ruffle.
Some scientists believe we are all hard-wired for gossip –
“It stems from an evolutionary need Gossip evolved in a village society where everybody knew everybody else and successful navigation of local political complexities had a direct impact on reproductive success.” John Hardy, neuroscientist.
But nowadays there is no reproductive impact to our species by talking about the Jones’s.
If you are talking about someone else because you are concerned about them, great – but make sure your conversation is centred around trying to understand the situation, or how you can help them, or what actions you can take, instead of just gas-bagging about other’s misfortunes in the guise of ‘caring’, when in fact you don’t plan to do anything to help. If you really are concerned about someone, pick up the phone, better yet, go and see them.
A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we talk to each other, instead of about each other.
Talk to them – not to others. This may take more courage, it may be harder, and sometimes even a bit scary – but what if the shoe was on the other foot, wouldn’t you want this simple form of respect? I’m sure, like me, you’ve been on the receiving end of gossip at some point in your life – how did that feel? What emotions came up for you? What would you have loved to happen instead?
When I was little teachers and mothers alike used to lament “If you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all.” But it seems we have forgotten this childhood rule.
We all need to vent, to talk things through, to make sense of things in our own minds by talking to our partners, or our best friends – this is extremely healthy, and important for ourselves and our relationships. But there is a HUGE difference between this, and discussing other people for something to talk about. In the former, we are seeking understanding and even advice as to handle a situation, in the latter we are merely gossiping with no intent to help the other person at all.
I don’t want this to come across as ‘holier than thou’. I’m scared it is, and I’m writing it anyway. I just want to raise awareness that not everyone is stoked to be included in the gossip circle. Yes it makes some people feel included and closer – but for others it’s isolating.
We are all just living and learning how to be humans, myself included.
Use your words to lift people up, not bring them down.
So the next time you are faced with this situation, I hope you have the courage to say something, to stand up for what you believe in – rather than sitting in silence, or even worse, joining in.
“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
* post note – bunnies look cute when they gossip, humans do not.
What are the things you are passionate about in life?
Like many Australians, the ocean is one of my biggest loves. There’s nothing I like more than spending a day at the beach under the water.
I am also a firm advocate for standing up for what you believe in.
I don’t normally write about politics, but this is a topic very close to my heart. I believe I have a responsibility to help raise more awareness.
Knowledge is power. And when you know better, you do better.
Sadly, of late the Australian government has made some poor decisions not only for our country, but for the world.
1. Industrial development, the Great Barrier Reef, QLD.
One of the Seven Natural Wonders Of The World. Yes that’s right, approval has been granted to build one of the world’s biggest coal export facilities inside the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. This would see a brand new coal terminal adjacent to a turtle nesting beach, bushland trashed on the World Heritage listed Curtis Island, and 3 million cubic metres of seabed ripped up and dumped inside the Reef World Heritage Area.
Luckily with the advocacy of Green Peace, a petition with 70,000 signatures was delivered to Environment Minister Greg Hunt’s door. Independent enquiries and investigations are now underway – let’s hope this is enough to stop the project.
Diving on the Great Barrier Reef is probably the biggest highlight of my life. It is such a magical place. A true example of just how wonderful the world is in all it’s natural glory. I really hope that many many more generations of people to come will be able to enjoy this natural wonder.
2. Shark culling policy, W.A.
A Shark massacre has just been approved for our western shores. The once protected Great White shark is now allowed to be caught and killed under the new shark culling policy. This has been regarded as a knee-jerk emotional reaction, one that is not based on scientific research.
Some interesting facts: In Australia jellyfish stings have caused at least 60 recorded deaths compared to 202 deaths from shark attacks. The chance of drowning is over 1000 times greater than dying from a shark attack.
Please take a second to sign the Shark Cull Petition by Green Peace
Sadly, it doesn’t stop there. Over in Japan 22,000 dolphins are slaughter every year. The worst happens at the annual dolphin killing season in the secret cove of Taiji. What’s even more tragic is that most of the Japanese people don’t even know it’s happening. I highly recommend watching The Cove, an eye-opening documentary that highlights not only the harrowing cruelty to animals, but also the damaging effect the mercury contaminated dolphin meat (being sold as whale) is having on deforming and killing it’s own people. Here’s a link to The Cove trailer.
Our oceans, and the animals and reef systems within them have been around since the dawn of time. Long before humans arrived on this earth, and certainly well before our current Government was elected. What makes us think we are better than nature? What makes us approve these kinds of atrocious decisions? We have a responsibility to protect, and conserve our precious world so that it may survive for far longer than we ever will.
We are part of nature, we are all one. We have a responsibility to protect the world we live in, to stand up for mother nature.
I’m sorry to say it, but it makes me ashamed to be Australian.
What gives me hope though, is the thousands upon thousands of people who are advocating, challenging, raising awareness – standing up to the Government and holding steadfast to their beliefs. It is these people who make me proud. It’s finite proof that together we can make a difference.
We as a people are so much better than these acts against nature.
Apathy is our worst enemy in situations like these. I know that sometimes the issues seem so big that you don’t even know where to start. Well awareness is the key. Research the facts, talk to people, talk to your friends, your colleagues, your local government. Start the conversation.
But awareness without action is wasted, so make sure you support the change-makers around you, be it Green Peace, The Sea Shepherd, or your local community groups. If there is no person or group currently advocating change, then perhaps it’s time for YOU to step up?
There is HUGE power in numbers.
Together we can make a difference.