Happy New Year!
Ok yes, it is February I realise – but better late than never. My brand spanking new, beautiful, online home has just launched!
I am SO excited to unveil and present you with . . . *drum roll please* . . .
It feels and looks oh so fabulous. But more importantly, if feels like ME.
It is a more authentic representation of who I am, and what my services are all about. It feels SO good to have branding, copy and an online home that feels just like that – HOME. #themhomefeels
Check it out – what do you think? I’d love to hear your feedback.
As if an ideal world is reality – (don’t I know this from all the life coaching I have both facilitated and received over the years) – so the one lil’ hiccup with my new site is that I NEED YOU to take ACTION if you want to stay with me on this ever-exciting, insightful journey . . .
To ensure you continue to be kept up to date with all my news, blogs, events, giveaways and special offers coming up for you in 2016! (trust me, you want these) –
There’s just one simple step that you MUST take to stay in my inner circle . . . simply CLICK HERE to update your details.
“HELL YEAH – KEEP ME IN THE TRIBE!” I hear you yell.
Ok then, well here’s all you need to do:
- Click on the link above.
- Update your details + click ‘subscribe‘.
- Sit back & relax, knowing that you won’t miss out on any of this goodness.
To say a massive THANK YOU and give you a big virtual ‘high-5’ for your e-troubles, I would love to offer you a FREE 30 MIN COACHING SESSION with me!
Valued at $85.00, and yours for FREE . . . nothing, nadda, zilch!
Say what?!
To claim your Coaching Session, simply take a screen shot of your newsletter subscription confirmation page and then email it to me at: julia@juliamatheson.com.au.
You will then receive some love from me direct to your inbox to organise your coaching time – it’s that easy!
Y A H O O ! !