I like to fix things. To have everything flowing.
To solve any problems to maintain equilibrium. My world feels out of balance when something or someone is out of sorts.
But I’m learning that to save my own sanity, sometimes you just need to step away.
You know what they say, time heals all wounds. Well I’m the one with my finger on the fast forward button – repeatedly! I’m leaning more and more, that I can only control myself – my mind, my emotions, my actions. I can’t, and never will be able to control anything outside of myself. This is one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learnt to date.
What situations or people kill your vibe? Have you removed yourself? If not, why do you keep subjecting yourself to these vibe killers? Is it a false sense of responsibility, fear of judgement, or perhaps it’s simply just become a habit? Know that you can step away at any moment. We always have a choice in life. Freedom is one footstep away.
This has been hard for me, I have to consciously make myself stop, breathe and let go. It’s been tough at times, but what’s even harder is swimming upstream. Constantly trying to force situations that maybe should just be left alone. Sometimes we need to push against the current, and sometimes we just need to let the stream gently guide us along. Deciphering between the two is the challenge.
“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.”
I’m learning that choosing to step away, and allowing distance to form is sometimes the only thing I can do. Actually, its the best thing I can do. And it’s a choice I have in every moment.
And perhaps it’s in this distance that the solution will come. I don’t know. Only time will tell.
In the meantime I’m putting up my ‘Bad-Vibe Protection’ Shield.
Surround yourself with love, support and kindness – you deserve nothing less.