My face is still wet with tears.
I just got home from watching the Amy Winehouse Documentary tonight. I haven’t been this moved by a documentary in a long time.
Julia Matheson
My face is still wet with tears.
I just got home from watching the Amy Winehouse Documentary tonight. I haven’t been this moved by a documentary in a long time.
by Julia 2 Comments
What is your legacy?
What are you leaving behind in your wake?
“Legacy is the story of one person’s spirit inscribed on another person’s soul.”
I am leaving my beautiful lululemon team here in Whistler to pursue my next career goals. It’s been a bittersweet time of late. This team has supported and nurtured my growth and development, and is no doubt the reason I am now pursuing bigger, loftier goals. But more than that, since being away from home, this team has become like a true family to me.
Last night in our staff meeting, I received the most beautiful parting gift – A bound copy of everyone’s goal sheets that I helped contribute to through my coaching. The note on the front page read –
“Thank you for always taking the time to make sure we are living in a life we LOVE. We will miss you so much. You truly elevate the world of each and every person you touch. You have left a beautiful legacy. We love you.”
My heart felt like it would burst.
Up until this point I had spent some time thinking about what I wanted my legacy to be – but this was the first time I witnessed it in action. The power of acknowledgement is amazing. What an absolutely flooring experience.
Every single one of us leaves a legacy.
Your very existence has an impact on the world – whether you intend it or not. So, how do you want to be remembered?
Often we don’t realise our legacy, as it’s the impact we have on people when we leave the room, or when we’re away from people, and too often than not, when we’re gone from this world for good.
It’s clear to see the impact we have on people while we are still there, in the moment – but what are the lingering effects that we leave behind?
Eulogies are all about legacies – summing up your life’s beliefs, actions, connections and contributions. They are always magical, inspirational messages – but I’m sure many people never actually sit down and think about their legacy. Yet we get to choose, every second of every day, what legacy we want to create.
It’s our responsibility to make sure we are living this legacy.
Ask yourself, “If I died today . . .”
You want to make sure your responses to these questions are authentic to you. Not what you think you should say, or what other’s expect you to say – but what truly resonates within your own body.
Be true to yourself. Use your intuition, it will guide you.
“Our days are numbered. One of the primary goals in our lives should be to prepare for our last day. The legacy we leave is not just in our possessions, but in the quality of our lives. What preparations should we be making now? The greatest waste in all of our earth, which cannot be recycled or reclaimed, is our waste of the time that God has given us each day.” – Bill Graham
After some thought, I think I have settled on the definition for my legacy:
My legacy is to leave others more in love with their life for having known me. Put simply – my legacy is to elevate people’s lives.
Working towards a legacy keeps us motivated and performing at our best. It gives us access to our very best selves, giving a higher purpose to our life and work.
Above all, it helps you share the fullest of what you are.
How do you want to be remembered?
Sometimes music just hits the nail on the head, and more often than not, it’s a song that I need to hear.
I am crushing goals right now, travelling on an amazing adventure with my twin sister to celebrate our 30th birthdays (more on that later!).
On one long leg of our flight the other day, a song came on that made me sit bolt upright and pay full attention – in fact, i had to listen to it twice to make sure it all soaked in.
The lyrics resonated so strongly with me.
It is titled ‘I was here’, by the ever powerful Beyonce.
(Click here to watch her amazing performance at the United Nations ‘World Humanitarian Day’: “One day, one message, one goal. To inspire people all over the world to do something good, no matter how big or small, for someone else”.)
This song is completely aligned with living a life you love, and for that reason I wanted to share it here with you –
“I Was Here”
. . . Yup, some powerful lyrics right there.
It got me thinking about legacies.
What mark am I leaving on world?
What do I want to be remembered for?
Have you ever thought about what your legacy is?
We all leave a wake in the journey of our lives, and we all have the power to determine what that looks like. Actually, it’s our responsibility.
What are the things your heart wants to do but you keep putting them off? Get clear on why you are denying yourself and get in action to make them happen for you.
“Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.” ― Shannon L. Alder
This trip is something my sister and I had the idea for a while ago. We made plans and made sh*t happen. Now we are together for the first time in 14 months, making incredible memories that will last us a lifetime.
We could have put it off till a more convenient time, when we had more money, or more of our friends were available to join us. But truth is, there’s never a perfect time is there? All we have are these moments in time to seize with both hands.
We are ticking things off our bucket lists left, right, and centre – and it’s been more than we thought it would be.
I am so blessed, and feel so grateful to be sharing these experiences with my sister. I feel re-energised and inspired to make my contribution to the world.
We lived, we loved, we were here.