Spring is all about renewal, new life & fresh new beginnings.
Come turn over a new leaf with Sarah Hunter & I as we take you through an inspiring morning of Yoga and Life Coaching.
Julia Matheson
Spring is all about renewal, new life & fresh new beginnings.
Come turn over a new leaf with Sarah Hunter & I as we take you through an inspiring morning of Yoga and Life Coaching.
by Julia 6 Comments
“Ditch plan B. Go all in on plan A, plan B is a distraction from your dreams. When you go in all in on plan A, not only will plan A happen, it will be better, because what the divine has in store for you is so much greater than you could possibly imagine, and it’s mot going to look anything like what you want. Please ditch plan B. That would be my only advice” – Mastin Kipp, The Daily Love.
This statement has literally just stopped me dead in my tracks.
I was just about to curl up in bed, but instead I’m now writing to you in response to reading this.
I have always had a plan B. I have never imagined my life without a plan B. I never even thought for a second that having a plan B could be a negative thing! (That’s the planner in me, I like to have an element of control).
Could having another option to fall back on actually be an enormous distraction from my true dreams?
My dream is to grow my business, coaching people on how to live a life they love. I want to continue my one on one coaching sessions, and also expand out into group workshops, business development days, youth workshops, programs for the underprivileged, school and university sessions and more!
My vision is to create a ripple effect of people who are actively creating their lives, authoring their own destiny, doing what lights them up and makes their heart sing. (Not being a passive observer of their life that hopes for the best and then gets disappointed with the result).
People who are willing to do the work to authentically define who they are and what they want. And then have the courage to go out and make it happen, to bring their dreams to life. I encourage people to live from a place of possibility. To step outside the self-imposed restraints, and consider – what if anything was possible?
My 10 year BHAG (big, scary, audacious goal) is to have a vision and goals program on the curriculum of Australian primary and secondary schools. Yup, it certainly is big.
I want to make a difference in the world.
That is my plan A.
Plan B on the other hand puts this dream on hold.
Plan B belittles me and tells me I’m not yet ready for that yet, that I should continue my day job and slowly, very slowly, build towards plan A. The practical, logical (probably fearful) voice in my head tells me that is the right thing to do.
Hmmm . . . that seemed like a good idea up until 10 minutes ago.
Now I’ve hit the pause button. I’m forced to reassess, and to review my thought process. Isn’t it amazing the power inspiring words can have on us?
The questions I am now pondering:
I’m not proclaiming we should all quit our day jobs tomorrow and blindly chase our dreams. However, check in with yourself – do you have some big aspirations, lofty dreams that you keep putting off? Waiting for that perfect moment, the perfect time – when everything in your life is aligned, then and only then, can you can finally pursue those dreams?
Why do we impose these restricting guidelines on ourselves?
If that is what we truly desire, why would we put it off? Why are we choosing to restrain our velocity – to walk when really we could run?
Perhaps it’s time to bring some of those big goals forward . . .
Maybe it’s time to ditch Plan B.