I am high on life.
It sounds corny I know, but it’s true.
I feel alive. My heart feels bigger and is brimming with gratitude.
All because I truly LOVE what I do.
I have just finished a group vision and goal coaching session. This is one of my biggest passions, and when expressed, a powerful energy flows through me. I feel like I can accomplish anything! (To read my post on living your passion click here)
I haven’t always felt this way. In fact, this is probably the first time in my life. And it’s solely the result of consistently focusing on what I love:
communication. inspiration. personal growth.
By focusing on these things, I have brought more of what I love into my life. It’s the law of attraction working.
For me, the barrier between work and play has been removed. I don’t live for the weekends, I no longer dread Monday or celebrate Friday. I have a true balance in my life. My time ebbs and flows effortlessly between my personal, professional and social lives.
To tell the truth, I never really believed it was possible to feel this way. A few years ago I thought that stress, anxiety and the pressure of the daily grind were just part of life. Nope, turns out it was just part of the wrong life for me.
I yearned for something more. I made some big changes. And with those changes opened up new possibilities.
I now know my purpose.
I know what I was put on this earth to do. I have found my happiness through teaching happiness.
Its taken many years for me to stand in this place, and I’m forever grateful for the winding journey. I dedicated a lot of time towards self exploration and enquiry. It was frustrating at times, wanting to know all the answers right NOW! I tried to remain patient, as I knew that with time what I was searching for would come organically.
I now know more about myself, and as a result feel more connected to who I truly am. To what’s authentically me.
So my advice to you – get out of your head, and listen to what your heart is saying.
Listen again . . . listen harder.
Your body intrinsically knows what it truly desires.
What do you LOVE to do? The more you pay attention to your heart – to your passions, to what excites you – the clearer the message will become.
It will become so loud that you can no longer ignore it, or push it aside for a rainy day.
It will force you to act upon it, and your life will never be the same again.