I recently minded my girlfriends animals for her while her and her husband holidayed in France.
I haven’t experienced anything or anyone being so dependant on me before. Hank and Charlie relied on me for their food, water, walks and love. I was their everything. They were all alone while I was off at work, and just me walking up the stairs at night brought them so much joy! Such simple pleasures.
They slept in my bed, sat on my yoga mat (see below!), curled up in my lap while I was on the computer and watched every single move I made. They slept when I slept, and woke when I woke (fortunately!).
I haven’t yet experienced motherhood, so for me this was the closest thing.
It got me thinking, who are the people in my life that are my everything? Those people that shape who I am as a person. The ones I rely on and build my life around. Maybe I don’t rely on them to put food in my dish everyday, but never the less, they are my life support.
“To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.” – Bill Wilson
I am lucky enough to have a whole network of these people. It starts with my ‘core people’, my family – both blood and chosen. Then like a sunbeam radiates out to my friends, co-workers and colleagues.
My support network feels like a glowing sun fuelled by a burning dense core.
My core people support me, listen to me, encourage me, inspire me, challenge me and most importantly give me unconditional love. It’s this love that is the real life support. I can feed myself, but I can’t always love myself as much as they love me.
It’s this love that gives me the confidence to go out into the world and live big every day.
You are someone’s everything.
Who are you choosing to be for those people?
How are you supporting them?
What one thing could you do that would strengthen that bond the most? That would make the biggest impact on them and/or your relationship?
Make sure you go and do it today.