I had an eye-opening conversation with my life coach this morning (and yes, even coaches have a coach! Just quietly – one of the best things I ever did)
She asked me if I considered myself a successful woman?
I had to pause.
Julia Matheson
I had an eye-opening conversation with my life coach this morning (and yes, even coaches have a coach! Just quietly – one of the best things I ever did)
She asked me if I considered myself a successful woman?
I had to pause.
As another year draws to an end, it naturally becomes a time in our lives for reflection.
Is it just me, or do the years actually speed up every year? I’m sure they do, there must be some logical explanation, like the earth must rotate at increasing speed or something. . . how is it less than 5 days till Christmas already?!
And because the time goes by so quickly, and we lead our lives at such a fast pace, I’m a big fan of taking time out. I put time aside for me, for solitude and some down time. Where I can have peace and quiet, alone, with no distractions, and can sit peacefully with my thoughts for personal reflection.
I mostly do this in my morning meditation, but I also love setting time aside regularly to journal, to think, to dream and to tap back into myself. Today was one of those days. I took my goal book and a pen to the beach, and reflected on the year that was. I now feel proud of what I’ve achieved, and invigorated by the possibilities for the year to come!
So cast your mind back to this time last year. . . How were you feeling? Where were you? What were your goals for 2013?
Reflect on the last 12 months, how has the year been for you?
Ask yourself –
Take some time now to write down your answers.
“Take pride in how far you’ve come, and have faith in how far you can go.”
As I think back over the year that’s been, I realise how massive it was for me personally. There have been big highs and lows. But as I sit here today, back home after a long whirl-wind journey across the globe, I am so happy for where I have landed. I feel as though I am exactly where I need to be. That is a wonderful feeling.
I ticked some big goals off my list this past year. But it’s only on reflection that I realise that. Once I achieve a goal, I’m always so eager to get started on the next one! I don’t often take the time to really acknowledge myself, and give myself a pat on the back.
Celebrating our successes is such an integral ingredient to goal setting. Yet one that we often skimp out on (me included).
Well enough of that. Achieving our goals is pretty dam fantastic, and I’m going to celebrate them here with you! Here’s what’s getting a BIG TICK on my goal list:
2013 Goal Crushes
Wow – it has been a big year! And the best bit? I like who I’m becoming in the pursuit of my goals.
The goals I set for myself this year really pushed me to grow, to develop, and to expand myself.
Reviewing and reflecting (and of course – CELEBRATING!) our goals is an important step in goal setting. It get’s us connected to where we have been, where we are now, and also get’s us clear on where we want to go.
So what are you celebrating for 2013?
Let the confetti reign, and that champagne POP!
You are freakin awesome!
Celebrate your victories, you fought hard to get here.
Want to increase your quality of your life?
Achieve some really big goals?
Check out these rad ideas by Christine Comaford-Lynch. . .
1. Rock responsibility. Say bye bye to blaming others because your life isn’t working or you don’t have what you want. Ditto for complaining, which is blame disguised. You’re no ones victim. Everything in our lives, good or bad, is the result of our actions or thoughts. When we take 100% responsibility for our lives were acknowledging this, which then enables us to improve our situation. Responsibility is an active pursuit.
2. Get visual. Visualise your goals being achieved and act on making them happen. Your goals should include what you want to achieve, and a by-when date. Keep track of how you’re progressing. It will work wonders in focusing yourself and keeping you on track.
3. Solicit superb support. A supportive tribe is necessary to getting stuff done. Two ways are a) an accountability partner, or b) a master mind group. An accountability partner is a friend or colleague who will help you stay accountable to your commitments. A mastermind group is a group of like mined people who help further one another’s goals on a group basis.
4. Toss toxicity. You probably have some toxic people in your life right now. They’re the folks who seem to want to hold you back or bring you down. Know anyone who actively hampers your ability to advance? They’re deflators, energy vampires. You can choose to ignore them or let their negativity bounce off you. If you’re not sure if someone is toxic, just monitor how you feel after spending time with them. Feel furious? Exhausted? Despondent? You’ve got a life one: get out of the isolation suit!
5. Pump up the positive. Use only positives when you talk to yourself about your goals. Negative self talk fosters a negative self image, which results in negative behaviours. We sabotage ourselves far more than anyone sabotages us, (‘see? I knew they wouldn’t hire me/ask me out/give me the award.’). List your strengths. Don’t list your shortcomings; instead, reframe them as strengths you want to develop. Another way to accentuate the positive is to read inspiring books, listen to uplifting motivating CD’s or podcasts. Surround yourself with upbeat energy.
6. Log onto the Law Of Attraction. You’ve heard the saying ‘what you focus on, you become’ – thats the idea of the law of attraction. When you develop a clear idea of what you want, focus on it, and feel good about it, your mind will consider your wishes to be marching orders. The universe will conspire to help to make your dreams come true. This is why you have to know what you want, look at images of what you want, imagine yourself already having it, and do the work required to make your dreams come true. As Norman Vincent Peale put it, “formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture.“
7. Persevere. You’re probably going to have a healthy number of so-called failures and rejection your career and life. The key is how you view them and whether you let them hold you back. I think of failures as ‘learning adventures’ to reduce their negative impact. As Henry Ford said, ‘Failure gives us the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” Its ok to be afraid, and its certainly okay to fail, and everybody gets rejected. Prepare for these inevitable knocks.
8. Pay attention. One of the fundamental attitudes you need to cultivate is constantly paying attention to whats going on around you. That may seem obvious, but its not just about focusing closely on what you’re doing. Sometimes when your concentrating on what you’re doing, you miss the important stuff. While you’re concentrating on the cracks in the sidewalk, you miss the rainbow. We are all oblivious at times, but the more you increase your attention to life, the more present you are, the more you’ll notice opportunities. Cultivate the ability to laser focus and scan your surroundings.
9. Continuously course-correct. We all make mistakes. The more honest we are, the more likely well avoid mistakes or recognise them immediately and be able to clean them up quickly. The more we clean up our messes, the less guilt, regret, or baggage we have, the lighter our load is, and the easier it becomes to rise above petty issues and see more clearly. Clearer vision results in better decisions.
10. Celebrate success. You took the risks, now celebrate the reward. What’s a compelling way to reward yourself? That’s your motivation. Celebration will make the work worth it.