Straight from the horses mouth – hear from some of my clients on their experience working with me:
“Before I commenced working with Julia, I’d spent several years trying to pin-point ‘what I wanted to do with my life’. What I achieved with Julia in 3 months will forever astound me! Julia has a natural ability to guide you through your own maze, and call you out on your self-limitations and fears. Lifting these veils enabled me to have several major breakthroughs. My life journey has been propelled by YEARS having worked with Julia. For the first time since I was a child, I am creating my life from a place of excitement, possibility and joy rather from fear, heaviness and expectations. I am now connected to myself on a much deeper level and I have clarity around my life vision. I finally know what my life purpose is and how I want to contribute to the world. I cannot recommend Julia more highly. Working with her is the best gift you can give yourself to start creating and living a life you truly love!” – Kat Manks
“Julia is actually the most amazing human being. She is so easy to talk to and has a knack for asking the right questions. Julia has a great way of helping you articulate what’s going on for you and makes it easy to uncover any blocks you have. She motivates you to action and inspires you to go BIG!” – Morgan Dunn
“I have taught coaching as an academic University teacher – Julia goes beyond anything in my textbook. It is the best money I ever spent. Her coaching is amazing, she is a wonderful active listener. There have been times when I have challenged Julia on how to deal with unexpected non-dreamed of situations that come up. This is where she excels. She knows how to deal with my future dreams and my current reality. I cannot recommend Julia enough. I’ll also say – I did the work. I never expected Julia to be a magic wand. I expected her to be a coach. She has been coach extraordinaire.” – Teresa Marchant
“Jules has the ability to listen like you wish your mother would. She lets ideas flow organically and ultimately leaves you wanting to tell her things you may not have otherwise told yourself. Identifying what lights people up is what Jules lives for, it is infectious and she will change the world by doing what she loves, and hopefully allow you to see you can do the same.” – Julie Cassettari
“Julia inspires me to be better than I am, and to live in true possibility. Through her coaching and unique ability to get me to think outside the box, I was able to write powerful goals, a passionate vision, and determine what contribution I am to people and the world. I had some powerful self-realisations about what I do and don’t want for my life, and how to achieve this every single day. Julia takes the fear out of writing goals and brings fun to the process. Through Julia’s coaching I was able to let go of my past fear of not being perfect. I am now vulnerable, real, and go after what I really want – and not what I felt others wanted for me. I have a heart full of love. I am learning not to be scared of imperfection and embrace failing in order to grow and succeed.” – Bianca Rowe
“Julia’s workshop really allowed our students to define their values and understand their own strengths and passions. Her confidence and self-belief enabled our students to gain direction and to set tangible goals for their futures. Even the staff are getting excited about leading a more meaningful and balanced life. The whole experience was fantastic and will definitely leave lasting change in our lives. PCW Melbourne is so grateful for all your work. We can’t wait to work with you again soon.” – Natalie Tommasini, Head of Health and Physical Education, Presentation College Windsor.
“Julia led a workshop with my Year 10 students – each with such different aspirations, current achievements and many with little idea of what they want to do in life. Careers and subject choices for VCE are our focus now, so it was perfect timing to have Julia come in and show them that truly anything is possible. The students stepped into possibility, created a clear vision for their best life, and learnt how to set goals to make it happen. As their teacher it was a joy to see them listening, creating and genuinely being excited about where they can go.” – Coral Bentley, Rowville Secondary College
“Julia is the most genuine person I have ever met. The way in which she tackles goal coaching is a direct reflection of how she truly approaches life. She is a fierce believer in possibility; the way she sees life is beautiful. Julia is authentic, she takes time to truly connect and understand each person she coaches. She has a unique ability to push people to discover what it means for them to live their best life, not by being pushy, but by asking the right questions and connecting. Julia’s coaching strives to get you to recognize that your life can, or may already be, beautiful and full of the same possibility she sees in hers.” – Ali Skinner
“Julia has a true gift. Her coaching was really great. It helped me to re-focus. I’ve managed to shift into a better flow for my life. I have created a balance between “work” and life. I have experienced the benefit of her coaching first hand and recommend it to anyone that needs guidance and help in this way.” – Kate Christensen
“Julia is one fantastic ball of glowing positivity and light! Her energy and passion are contagious, which makes meeting with her a complete joy. I enjoy our coaching sessions as Julia isn’t a highly-strung ‘cheerleader’, but the impact is the same. She makes me feel comfortable enough to really dig deep and come up with my biggest vision and goals in a completely natural, non-judgemental space. My sessions with Julia really opened up my eyes to the idea of having clear written and visual goals for the future. Being able to set tangible goals and lay down the ever so satisfying “check mark” is like warm soup for the soul.” – Molly Green